Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

By: Samsudin
Teacher of SMKN 6 Malang
P. 19600505 198201 1 022

Environmental Education (EE)  
Environmental Education (EE) is a subject that implements into the gray area,  because the policy of Minister of National Education in determining the existence of EE or PLH subject not clear, whether monolithic or integration, undefined clearly in legislation such as laws (UU), government regulation (PP), or minister of education regulation, this causes the results of EE such as loving attitude towards the environment has not been fully formed, it is as described in Materials Content Outline EE was published by Ministry of Environment, as follows:
"1) Assessment af
fective development domain that has not been a part of the educational results of school assesment system. 2) The EE not to reach out to all teachers in Indonesia. 3) Lack of educational books environment for teachers and students, 4) lack of ideals person in the community regarding the maintenance balance behavior the relationship between human beings, between humans and the environment of chemical, physical, biological , and between people and cultures.; 5) Lack of communication experts in the environment at universities with the teachers at the pre-university ". (PLH GBIM 2006).
Unclear and inconsistent policies above can be viewed on the Law of National Education System (Sisdiknas) No. 20 / 2003 which did not mention the existence of a monolithic EE, stands alone as the subject matter, as well as integration in the some of subjects, the following quotation confirms:

"The curriculum of
elementary and secondary education must include: a) religious education; b). civic education; c) language; d) mathematics e) natural sciences; f) social sciences; g) arts and culture; h) physical education and sport i) skills / vocational, and j) local content "(Law No. 20 Th. 2003 Article 37)

At lower levels such as
in the Government Regulation (PP) on National Education Standards (SNP) PP. 19/2005 did not explicitly state the existence of EE, the following quote proves:

"The curriculum for this type of general education, vocational, and special education in elementary and secondary levels consist of: a) a group of subjects of religion and noble
or moral character; b) a group of subjects of citizenship and personality; c) a group of subjects in science and technology; d ) group of subjects of aesthetics; e) a group of subjects of physical, sports, and health.(PP 19/2005 Article 6).

PKLH 1975
If traced back in fact since 1975 has been initiated for Population and Environment Education (PEE) as revealed by ZA Achmady (1997) that: "PKLH implemented in schools in Indonesia started in 1975, integration of material delivered, for elementary school subjects are integrated in Religious Education, CIVICS, Science, physical, sports, and health, and social science."
To enhance PEE  taken in 1975, then  implement the policy of PEE on Junior and senior secondary school in 1982 as stated in the following descriptions:
"Since 1982 has been developed EE program for junior and senior secondary school. With the implementation of environmental education through a pilot project started elementary to senior secondary school has been covered the matterial and methods of environmental education for all levels of formal education of pre-university ". (GBIM 2006).
Furthermore, to further improve the EE to be more effective then established joint decision between the Minister of State for the Environment and Minister of National Education On June 3, 2005. KEP-07/MENLH/06/2005 and 05/VI/KB/2005 on the Development of Environmental Education.This joint agreement is expected to become the new protection for the implementation of all activities both were coordinated EE by the Ministry of  Environment, as well as by the Ministry of National Education.
 In 2006 the Ministry of Environment issued a Material Content Outline EE and in the same year '2006' issued by the Minister of National Education Regulation ( MINER; Ind: Permendiknas) No. 22 / 2006 on the Content Standards, but PLH not explicitly included in the provisions that must be implemented by the school.
The author has been studied the MINER (Permendinas), associated with EE, there are two determinations, namely: FIRST, the scope of the subject groups Pancasila and Citizenship Education (CIVICS) as follows.

"The awareness and insight, including the concept of nationalism, the spirit and patriotism to defend the state, respect for human rights, pluralistic nation, environmental protection, gender equality, democracy, social responsibility, obedience to the law, the compliance to pay tax, and the attitudes and behavior anti-corruption, collusion, and nepotism ".(Permendiknas 22/2006)
SECOND: is in principle the implementation of the curriculum in which the sentence of Local Wisdom, “ALAM TAKAMBANG JADI GURU” The natural floating be a teacher, as the principle of the implementation of the curriculum, is quoted as follows:

"The curriculum was implemented using the approach multistrategi and multimedia learning resources and appropriate technology, and utilize the environment as a learning resource, with principles
“ The natural floating be a teacher (all of which happen, unfold (terbentang) and develop in society and the environment to be resources of learning, examples and models) "(Permendiknas 22/2006)
Until now there is no statement in Law by the Minister of National Education that EE should be learned by students in Elementary to secondary school.
One of the educational unit (satuan pendidikan) that has been developed EE Vocational High School (VHS) where management VHS along with PPPPTK / VEDC has prepared modules for vocational and EE who regularly carry out training for vocational teachers and EE teachers.
Regional Autonomy influence EE status, because some regions requires that the school should teach EE and organized the curriculum and materials as Local Content (Muatan Lokal) such as Jakarta, Jember, Batu, West Java, Bonsel Sutra, and other regions.
International Non Government Organization (NGO) concerned with EE who participated by providing modules, teaching materials, media, or even training for teachers such as AusAID, Swisscontact, Hanns Seidel Foundation, GTZ OSRAM, etc..
A program that become one of the mainprogram of Ministry of Environment  associated with EE is Adiwiyata Program . It is a program to encourage the creation of knowledge and awareness of the school community in environmental protection.
The objective is to create good conditions for schools to become places of learning and school community awareness, so that the citizens of the school have a sense of responsibility in the efforts to save the environment and participate in sustainable development.
Basic Principles of  Adiwiyata Programs
1.    Participatory: Community schools are involved in school management which covers the entire process of planning, implementation, and evaluation in accordance with the responsibilities and roles.
2.    Sustainable: All activities must be planned comprehensively and continuously.

1.    Development of school policy matter (peduli) and cultured environment.
2.    Curriculum based environment.
3.    Participatory-based development activities.
4.    Development of facilities management and school support.

Adiwiyata national program activities began in 2006 followed by the five provinces.
Until th
is year 2011, the number of participating schools from 31 provinces in 1350 schools, 220 schools that match the criteria of Adiwiyata. Since the implemented Adiwiyata Program East Java Province has a high commitment in developing it so that the province of East Java is the most successful in developing Adiwiyata school in Indonesia.





 Adiwiyata Mandiri
Candidates Adiwiyata


National Quota

% East Java nationally

Source: BLP Prop. Jatim

Anugerah Adiwiyata Mandiri
 delivered at the Presidential Palace by the President at the height of World Environment Day. Category of Adiwiyata and Candidates Adiwiyata trophy handed over by Minister of Environment.

Although the policy and implementation are still dominated by Ministry of the Environment rather than the Ministry of National Education, the schools independently Adiwiyata actively following this program, the investment  to organize the resource is not small, as a form of achieving the two
objectives are synergistic of  the development of a suitable environment with EE and participation in the Adiwiyata Program. The East Java proved that is the best of  province for Adiwiyata  which has 125 schools Adiwiyata a care about and cultured environment.

Ibnu Fajar, dkk, Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup, Jaringan Pendidikan Lingkungan Jember,            Yayasan Kehati, dan Dinas Pendidikan Jember.
KNLH, Panduan Adiwiyata, 2010.

Permendiknas, 22/2006, Standar Isi
PP No. 19 Tahun 2005, Standar Nasional Pendidikan
Sukatma, dkk, Lingkungan Hidup SMK, PPPGT/VEDC Malang, 1999.

Tim Penyusun Kurikulum Muatan Lokal PLH Kota Batu, Kurikulum Muatan Lokal PLH SD/SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Batu, 2008.

Ulf Wenzig, Modul Penghematan Energi, Jakarta: GTZ-OSRAM, 2010.

Winarno, Radyastuti, dkk, Materi Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup, Jakarta: Hanns Seidel Foundation, 1999.
Undang undang No. 20/2003, Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
Winarno, Radyastuti, dkk., Pencemaran Lingkungan dan Pengendaliannya, Malang: IKIP Malang, Prop. Jatim, AusAID Australia, 1997.

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